Trust ◊ Education ◊ Professionalism
All horses pick up worms through grazing, licking, or eating food off the ground. An effective deworming program is an essential part of your horse’s wellness program. The following is a deworming program for adult horses in the Central Okanagan. A more in-depth discussion follows, including a discussion of the latest recommendations for a targeted deworming program.
In foals and weanlings, ascarids (roundworms) are a major parasite problem. They should become immune to this parasite by about one year of age. More frequent worming is necessary
Internal parasites are silent killers. They can cause extensive internal damage, and you may not even realize your horses are heavily infected. At the very least, parasites can lower resistance, rob the horse of valuable nutrients, and cause gastrointestinal irritation and unthriftiness. At their worst, they can lead to colic, intestinal ruptures, and death.
Using deworming agents on a regular schedule in combination with good management procedures is critical to relieving your horse of most parasites. Since parasites are primarily transferred through manure, good management is key. In terms of management priorities, establishing a parasite control program is probably second only to supplying the horse with clean, plentiful water and high-quality feed.